We received messages from everybody!!
Thank you very much!!
We deleted individual names. But if you have any problem, please let us know. (Kobe Genkimura)
0401 _______________________________________
Let us put the "Peace Appeal" in a full page ad in US papers.
I deposited my small contribution of $5000 in the bank.
I am wondering what I can do now. I have decided this is the first and immediate response that I can give at this point. I hope it will be of help.
Please, remember I am part of the support group for it.
0402 _______________________________________
Good Evening
I have accidentally found out about this ad and have made a small contribution at the bank today for its purpose.
I saw on the TV news a girl was sending the US President (I am sure that President was Reagan.) "Anti-war Appeal " letter. I was just a child at that time. And since then, every time I become afraid of the possibility of war but I hope that I can stop the war by writing a "Peace Appeal" letter. This may not be just my coping mechanism but rather my strong "Peace Appeal" feeling. It may be close to the feeling of assurance that everything will be all right.
However, in spite of the assurance I have since experienced, I realize I have forgot it until I start to think of this "Peace Appeal Movements." But, honestly speaking, I was not sure of how effective this "Peace Appeal " letter could be. I realized I did not have the same assurance that I had had in my childhood.
But now as strongly as I did in my childhood I believe that we human beings still have pure sincerity as much as I experienced a little bit of this assurance, I do believe that such sincerity can bring about a change for the good of all.
Hope that this project may bring good result to the world.
P.S. If possible, I would like this letter to be anonymous.
Make sure you take care of yourself as you must be very busy.
0403 _______________________________________
Many say this terrorism is the challenge to Western 's democracy and freedom. But I would say that it is "unforgivable cruelty and sin against life" for the total destruction of countless numbers of lives, including those of the highjack youngsters who did such destruction, even including the lives of those mice who inhabited there.
I am wondering what I should do to stop the evil chain reaction caused by hatred..
I read the letter from Greg Nees. I respect him for immediately sending such a wonderful letter. I have sent the copies of his letter to my young friends in US .I appreciate you for this project.
0404 _______________________________________
I deposited money in the bank for this campaign although it is small contribution.
We must think about how to deal with it! Such terrorism is very difficult to deal with,
I think that we should at least avoid immediate military retaliation."
I have linked your URL to the one I made up with my friends.
Pray for the world peace!
0405 _______________________________________
I deposited some money in the bank today.
I have been depressed every time I see the headline of newspapers reporting on the declaration of war.
I happened to learn about this project as I saw "Mail Magazine" edited by Randy Taguchi today
I pray that this project may come to its goal.
0406 _______________________________________
"The anxiety will go away if global peace campaign goes hand in hand with other countries as well as it gains more and more domestic supporters."
This does not seem an explicit response to my question. Although I completely understood the content of this response, due to the matter of probability, I am still questioning this project. .
"What are you going to do with donated money if the total amount of donation has not been able to come to its goal."
I would appreciate if you could respond to this point. I think it is appropriate that you just give clear response through your web page if there are many questions similar to this as you mentioned.
0407 _______________________________________
Hello! I live in Tokyo.
Concerning this case, I have made up my own web page for signature-collecting campaign "Oppose to Military Action" and other things reported from friends and acquaintances.
I put Greg Nees' campaign in it as it is connected through link from your page
I added my signature at the signature -collecting at Chicago University.
Signatures from Chicago University are being added.
Signature -collecting is in process in the petition site
Although signatures are being collected from other countries and US. Its goal has not been reached.
Every time I see TV news showing peoples lives in Afghanistan (worse than that in Sarajevo), I pray that bomb may not be dropped here.
Submitting my signature is all I can do at this point. But I give my heart-felt prayer.
The senior graduate from the same University of mine (although I had not met this person before,) is lost after the terrorist attack on the WTC building. I am angry about the fact that all he established has been destroyed as the building was destroyed. Not with the naiveness of "First of all, war is wrong" nor just the sympathy reflecting "We should not re-create any refugees." but with the consciousness that Middle-east became chaos caused by US's political and military maneuver and the countries supporting US, thus leading to the fact that many innocent people were killed by terrorist attack on US, I am opposed to any military action.
I picked up the smattering of this story; Arabic people are be able to resolve the conflict by negotiation without a fight. But it is hard for them to understand why US interfered Middle East affairs (Gulf War)
Some people believe in the only one standard of the judgement on justice and goodness and force all the others to follow it. It is ideological terrorism, isn't it? I have a great wonder about this thought.
Anyhow, at this point, I must do all I, as a fellow citizen, can do to avoid any more violence
Thank you for reading my long letter with patience.
0408 _______________________________________
I am very impressed to read your web page. As the daily news report is saying that US is getting ready for retaliation, there has been an increasing high possibility that more innocent people on earth could be cruelly killed. So, I, as a person who lives on the same planet, give my daily pray to stop military action and by all means and for a peaceful resolution through dialogue between the two parties under the supervision of international peace organization such as UN
The UN endorsed the multi-national military attack in the Gulf War 10 years ago without any international peace organization's resolutions or peace-keeping operation to avoid the war in advance.
The result of that attack is still affecting people's lives there. For example, the increasing number of leukemia patients probably caused by the pollution of minor uranium bombs, other environmental pollution, and many refugees. In order not to repeat this kind of mistake, I beg that the world leader of human rights, the US government and citizens must make wise decisions and judgements. Such a horrified terrorism should not be forgivable. But if US involves innocent people in the war, the US will become guilty for the same crime that the terrorist committed.
I would like to make a small contribution to this project.
0409 _______________________________________
I saw this project as a ray of light. That's right! War will not solve any problem. Of course, Terrorism is by no means to be justified, but we must deeply reflect on why this tragedy happened. The US President Bush and other supporting nations that are even stronger, are trying to take military action on a weaker and poorer country. They should take any other possible alternative action.
This military action may be called "noble hawk " operation or something like that. It may be more important to support Pakistan that is still holding many refugees.
It seems that Pakistan is having a run of bad luck if such military action is taken. It should be taken by no means.
Do not deprive those people of their family, place to live, food to eat. Do not take from them more than this.
I am certain that US soldiers do not seek to be killed. The history proves that killing each other would not produce anything but hatred, doesn't it. We should repeat the past.
The sorrow of the families of those who were already killed, and the sorrow of the innocent people who are going to be involved in the war, can you hear their cries in your heart. I appeal to you that I am against any military action!
0410 _______________________________________
Military action can only bring mass-reproduction of tragedy!
This is the opportunity for people in the world to go with hand in hand to keep peace.
0411 _______________________________________
It is really great that the media has started to report this project to the public even if little by little. It is regrettable to know that it is reported only around Tokyo and its vicinities.
However, this project has become grown even within these few days. I am sure it will be known to all over the world.
This is the 21st Century, isn't it! I hope it will be recorded that Internet stopped the war. And saved the earth.
Endurance for this project to be achieved must be required from now and on. Take care. Do not give it up!
I will help as much as possible even though it may be small help .
0412 _______________________________________
I would like to contribute to "Global Peace Campaign" as I found in Randy Tanaka's column.
I would like to strongly oppose to US military one-sided action. This one sided information is only available here in Japan, too. It sounds like media favoritism is going on. (What the US did to Palatines and Middle-Eastern has been completely avoided.)
It really annoys me. It makes me angry with the Japanese government if it is lining up along with US. .
0413 _______________________________________
I contributed money in Postal House although it is really small contribution to the full page adds project.
I can imagine if I were the family member or friends of those who were killed, I would agree that military retaliation would be an appropriate action in this case.
Fortunately, I am in a position to see things objectively. I just hope that US will not take any action that will only create more victims, thus increasing more sorrows and hatred
While I think that the US President Bush will not withdraw the decision on the retaliation attack, I think we should let American people know that there are a great many people who would like the US not to take military action but to find other ways to solve this problem. I will send a little bit money to support this project.
Please, let me know how it will go.
Love & Peace on tne Earth
0414 _______________________________________
When something like a stream is running toward retaliation and conflict,
I always recall the documentary films of Rwanda's civil war.
In the middle of the cruelty of washing blood with blood, the film showed a young man in his twenties. He had lived with belief that killing each other was fruitless and wrong.
But, running back to his poor house, he found his young brother had been pitilessly slaughtered like a domestic animal. It was this point all he could think was that I could kill people immediately. I could kill as many people as possible with the bloody hands of mine. I have never forgotten that feeling.
And in the dead silence of that film, he whispered saying, with tears "It is extremely hard to forget hatredc"
My heart almost burst with grief. It is extremely hard to forget hatred. Furthermore, if hatred came from affection it would be more so.
If my family were meaninglessly and suddenly slaughtered like domestic animals, I would not be able to cope with the grief and would find it very difficult to live. I would need a way to let my anger and sorrow ..go. But I must state that that way out should not be retaliation. Even if my family were meaninglessly killed, I would be prepared for justice without retaliation and also for pursuing understanding what cannot be understood. . but I feel helpless whenever I see the news report on civil war and terrorism. Yet, I must be prepared for it I have come to that point of consideration probably because I have been working with children for 10 years. Those ten years of experience made me think that way. Although I have not any children of mine, I earnestly hope that I may not sow any seeds of a hatred chain reaction.
Ideology varies in people. I think the Japanese government must play a political role by hairbreadth as an ally under world affairs circumstances. The US demands that Japanese flag must go along with American's.
At the outlook of the world situation, I, as an individual person, must have my own opinion on where terrorism and retaliation are going.
This is the first time to participate in a project like this. I would like to extend this project to as many friends of mine as possible. I will contribute 10000 yen in the bank tomorrow.
I just want to pray that no more innocent people may be killed.
0415 _______________________________________
Dear Yumiko Kikuchi:
Good evening and I thank you for all the efforts you did. You must be tired.
I got to know this Web site through Randy Taguchi's Mail Magazine.
I felt sad and worried about this incident, My thought lies in belief that the project will become materialized.
I contributed 10000 yen in the bank. I am sure you will receive it tomorrow. |