We received messages from everybody!!
Thank you very much!!
We deleted individual names. But if you have any problem, please let us know. (Kobe Genkimura)
0101 _______________________________________
I heard that they refrained ICC Art Installation "Looking back 20th century" from the viewpoint of power game.
(It was due to pressure from sponsor. Art environment of Japan does not have guts. I believe it is the very mission of art)
Seems like MAD everywhere.
By the way, is retaliation still alive?
It is the perception of current generation, isn't it?
The media says terrorism entered into new era;
That nation versus nation relation became asymmetrical: nation versus terrorism. This means an era when power can manage has ended. It became an age when the power endowed to nation should be returned to individuals.
Power to the people
0102 _______________________________________
National force cannot compete with terrorism.
Because we cannot prevent indiscriminate, simultaneous terrorism happening everywhere in the world. Or if it is conducted outside the country targeted to the US, business risk increases, negative impact to economy. Too expensive for a country to cope with it at national level. By using military force, it resembles terminal cancer treatment. Eradicating terrorism is impossible unless annihilating all human beings.
The only way to react to terrorism is individual and network with information and knowledge.
What we want as a specimen of global nation is not strong but open and diversified America. Bush government should notice that nobody wants America as a policeman. Even with smart froce equipped with information technology, it is the same story.
Are we so naive that we stillrequire a tuition of thousands of casualties?
(We have learned retaliation> massive casualties> reflection in Vietnam. Now it is only global)
Why doesn't Japan take advantage of its position to tell world no more Hiroshima and Nagasaki should be repeated?
(What shall I do to tell Japanese Government?)
Distribute expenses of retaliation to global democracy, such as counter-measures against terrorism and future investment to the victims of past world's power games.
Seize the day. I want to take back power from country like I want to control the tax I am paying or direct democracy.
I even feel like myself to be a terrorist if I am too impatient for that.
I want world without terrorism by retrieving power as confidence.
That begins only through mutual understanding and acknowledging each other.
Let's switch from infant power called force to wisdom and communication.
I made remittance. >Dear Open Japan,
0103 _______________________________________
Dear Open Japan staff,
I guess you are hanging on in there.
This tragedy made me think many things even though I am living without leeway to think about what are around me.
I took what I saw: Media, newspaper, TV, radio, magazines. I listened to critics, well-informed persons, scholars, newscasters. Contemplated with my little knowledge. I truly thought how this world can stay peaceful from now on.
My conclusion: There should be no retaliation.
May no one be killed by follies.
We should not compete among ourselves. In such a time when earth environment is facing the worst situation.
I even feel sad and angry
0104 _______________________________________
One of my friends gave me a mail last night and I knew the advertisement.
I think there is something we can do.
I sent mails to many friends immediately.
I made a bank remittance, though small.
I believe everyone is wishing for peaceful settlement.
I hope that the day will come as soon as possible.
I want many people to know this activity and keep on praying together.
My home is nearby Yokosuka. After the incident, jet fighters are scrambling with an interval of less than 5 minutes. Every time I hear that sound, I pray for peaceful solution.
I believe something must change.
0105 _______________________________________
Nice to meet you. I made postal remittance today.
I wish peoples in America and Palestine can hear voices from deep inside themselves and share it. (I know this is very difficult)
What can I and we do for that?
I will begin with feeling this event profoundly inside myself.
0106 _______________________________________
I am for opinion advertisement.
I made a remittance today.
I wish world peace from the bottom of my heart.
I am worried about Japan to look at various movements.
0107 _______________________________________
Nice to meet you. I made postal remittance today.
I wish peoples in America and Palestine can hear voices from deep inside themselves and share it. (I know this is very difficult)
What can I and we do for that?
I will begin with feeling this event profoundly inside myself.
0108 _______________________________________
Nice to meet you.
Thank you very much for starting such a wonderful activity.
Soon after I know this campaign at ML I participate in yesterday, I am sending mails to my friends and distributing printed material. Tonight I handed it to nine people in the board of pupils club. From now I will distribute it to as many friends as I can. (Many people still don't have their PC)
Regarding donation, I cannot afford too much since my house became without father recently, only 3 thousand yen from me and two kidsc I sent it from post office today. (Please let my name anonymous. I forgot to write so in the correspondence.)
As some people wrote in the billboard, I, too, felt concerned if I can believe it. But no time left. Anyway I believed in the person who introduced this by ML. I decided to contribute and cooperate.
I have two daughters. So I understand how hard it would be for a mother with her baby to do an activity like this. I guess she thinks "though busy, I must work hard for the future of these children."
You can easily become ill when seasons change. Everybody, please take care and do a good job.
I sincerely hope this activity will spread instantly to the world as that story of "Pay Forward".
0109 _______________________________________
My friend who saw my e-mail to other friend of mine introduced this page.
I quote his message below:
Watching the news every day, I feed radical question on changing judgements made by national leaders. Who stands on the front? Neither themselves nor their sons. It is the decision of such folks. Do victims of terrorism hope for a means of war? First all, the decision must not be made by onlookers. At least resolution must come after funeral of all are over.
Issues are deviating from true counter-measures against terrorism to how to start a war. Unlike the Gulf War, Japan is being asked whether we have an intention to join the war. Mr. Koizumi swore in Yasukuni shrine that we would never cause a war. He said he would visit there with that hope, didn't he? War always begins with good-looking eloquent words, easy words.
Prime Minister of Japan, who has neutral position from Middle East Arab, can do something. There are many nations disapproving the enforcement of military power such as Germany, Denmark, Sweden and Netherlands. We should discuss how to eradicate terrorism from the standpoint of renouncement of war.
There must be parties against war in majority party.
The public are off the table.
If somebody in Self Defense Force is killed, we will enter dismal era. In that background, brave people will have a chance to revive.
The press makes this issue too controversial.
We should make suggestions from the viewpoint of no more war.
Like holding an emergency conference by world journalists, thinkersAphilosophers.
Politicians tend to be fighters representing national profit. Let them discuss without politicians.
This is not political talk, but an opinion of a father.
0110 _______________________________________
My friend told me that you are publishing a full-page advertisement in American newspapers.
I agree with the message and contents.
I made remittance of 30 thousand yen to Sumitomo Mitsui Bank.
It is significant that retired soldier has consciousness like this.
The US is stepping a path to retaliation minute by minute.
I wish the hearts of world will reach President Bush and peoples in the government and military, and it triggers to cut open the way for peace.
I am going to introduce this movement to my student taking my lessons of Qikong. I hope that the advertisement will come true as soon as possible.
0111 _______________________________________
I knew this page by ML of Eco-Link.
I was interested because I felt very sad to see the terrorist event and reactions of America.
I call for peaceful settlement in my own homepage. I do want to make a link in my page.
The matter is urgent. It may be rude but I did so already. This is reported to you now.
Is it all right? If you have any problem, please inform me and I will eliminate the link.
It is all one-way selfish requests, but please understand.
I wish seeds of unhappiness will not spread any further.
0112 _______________________________________
When I think about near future, I cannot help feeling concerns beyond description after that day.
We must stop retaliation and enforcement of power at all cost.
I could have a hope when I looked at your homepage.
I do want the advertisement in American newspapers!
0113 _______________________________________
Reading fax sent from my friend, I agreed with full-page advertisement project.
I am filled with an impatience that we are in time before world will be tragic.
I introduced the fax to my other friends.
I do hope that circle of people with heart will grow and achieve peaceful settlement.
0114 _______________________________________
Excuse me for small amount but for young family it is big money.
I am glad if it can contribute to you in any way.
Tension continues and I am concerned about how Japan will respond.
Please do not make a wrong decision.
0115 _______________________________________
I knew your site by a mail from my friend.
Little it may be but I will do my best to cooperate.
I guess you are surrounded by tough matters, but please do a good job.
0116 _______________________________________
Nice to meet you. I looked at your homepage. It is a very wonderful page!
I am a student of US base in Okinawa. Now I wonder if we have something we can think and take actions for ourselves. We made small homepage with special billboard, exchanging information, discussion, and voting, making links to homepage
Can I put a link on my homepage?
I hope as many people as possible will be interested in this event and small powers will reach something big.
0117 _______________________________________
I would like to offer up my heartfelt prayers for the souls of all those whose lives were lost in the terrorist attack on New York on September 11th. And I can only pray that perhaps some of the pain and anger of all those that have been so wounded, both mentally and physically, may be relieved.
1. I am firmly opposed to any form of terrorism. And I strongly condemn the recent attacks on New York City. Terrorism grieves me deeply, since it can only lead to fear and violence, forcible oppression and sanctions. I cannot condone violence, which closes the road to world peace. The conversion of hatred into violence only gives rise to a new cycle of violence and conflict. Wars only beget more wars. We have to find the necessary courage and make the effort to prevent wars from occurring.
2. At the same time however, I am resolutely opposed to any retaliatory attack by the United States of America on other nations said to be harboring those considered to be ringleaders. Any such attack will inevitably involve ordinary citizens who had nothing to do with the terrorist incident, and lead to their deaths. For this reason it is incumbent on the worldfs largest military and economic power to choose a path that avoids any proliferation of conflict. Instead it should quietly pray for the peace of the souls of the dead, create a worldwide movement of prayer and mourning dedicated to the avoidance of war, and through this movement lead the organizers of the crime into the international garden of justice. For the United States of America to parade its authority in the world will have the opposite effect and some day assuredly cause that authority and respect to be damaged. America should not fan the flames of a world war.
3. The perpetrators of the crime should receive a fair and impartial trial based on international law, and an international consensus should be built up to enable this to happen. Surely the United Nations and international law were specifically designed for times like these. If the situation does not allow international law to function effectively, then new international laws should be put in place to deal with it.
4. Let us stop repeating the errors of the twentieth century, which was known as the gcentury of warh. Has our water-planet gevolvedh such a richness and diversity of lifeforms only to see them annihilated by war? Surely what we really need is to search out a path that overcomes human arrogance, where we do not forget our gratitude, prayer and reverence towards the richness and diversity of life.
5. Religious people should not pray only for themselves or their own particular group. Always seek the happiness of the entire world, and pray for the hopes and the future of humanity. Christians and Muslims, please do not reject other peoples and other faiths, or consider your own religion to be absolute. Americans, please do not pray only for America. Islamic nations, please do not pray only for Islam. Please desist forthwith from attacking and rejecting others in the name of God or religion. Where is your God, and how does he see this situation? At a time when people are suffering such great sadness, does God not grieve with them? Isnft it only the most mean-spirited and hardened of people who can rejoice in peoplefs sadness and distress? God and the animals, the forests and rivers, the sea and the sky, and the planet itself, are all in tears.
6. Please do not increase the amount of tears shed in the world. Rather than a sea of tears, blow smiles and calmness and the gentle breeze of prayers across the world. And you must pray for this with all your heart.
7. Everyone opposed to this drift towards a world war, please raise voices of dissent. There can be no such thing as a gholy warh today. Through prayers, through political channels, by every possible means, we have to raise our voices to stop this war in its tracks. We must appeal to world opinion with a strong will, and wisdom, and the courage to create peace. We are by no means ignorant or powerless. To discover how to create peace for the future requires the voices and actions of each and every individual.
0118 _______________________________________
Bashar gave me a ML to let me know the opinion advertisement.
I am truly in support of the activity
I am sorry for small amount but please let me participate. I will send you extra when situation calls.
I forwarded the mail you gave me to my friends and acquaintances and made as many people as possible know this opinion ad.
Some say they will take part.
Thank you for notifying me.
Today I made the remittance.
I am certain that all human beings share the same love and hope for peace.
I want to change this sorrow into the highway to deeper love.
(I guess you already know)
If the world consist of our notion, now is the time when state of mind is being asked..
Not terror but love.
Everything is al illusion except for love, only maya.
Those who committed the terrorism are only feeling scared. Of course what they did was really terrible.
But terrorist did it for the love to their race, it is not good because only directed to the comrades of their own. They merely made a wrong choice. Hatred and violent will never resolve this.
It is really sad, painful event.
I will take this all by my heart.
I will do my best for what I can now.
Love is growing even stronger.
Now is the moment of change, entering critical stage.
Human beings are endowed with profound love to confront this terror.
We are certain that we can overcome this terror.
0119 _______________________________________
People on TV appear to long for violence from their heart. I am concerned if this is the sign of ending.
No, human being is not such existence. I was feeling impatient, thinking we must do something.
I felt saved to get to know this campaign and encouraged to know there are people of intelligence and actions. I lost no time to send mails and make phone call to make as many friends as possible know it.
Numbers of people approve.
I wish this will work.
May human beings get better.
0120 _______________________________________
Let's put full-page peace advertisement on American newspapers.
I am sympathized with GLOBAL PEACE CAMPAIGN.
At my will, I reprinted the passage in Genkimura site and introduced it in my sites and others.
I am asking for approval later, but I wish what I did will link to something.
I watched a Afghanistan report by Tetsuko Kuroyanagi.
I think children in refugee camp should not bear tragedy brought in by big powers.
Please hang on in there.
I will back you up and cooperate.
0121 _______________________________________
I sent a contribution to your account today.
I am for the purpose of "putting "full-page advertisement on American newspapers."
I sympathized with the letter to the Presindent by Mr. Greg Needs.
I hope this letter will arrive at the President and be read by many.
0122 _______________________________________
To whom in charge of "full-page advertisement"
I have just sent 10 thousand yen.
I knew this from a mailing list by environment journalist, Ms. Junko Edahiro.
I want this to come true.
I saw various opinions but I think it is significant that we make an appeal from Japan by means of full-page advertisement.
0123 _______________________________________
I read the page, Global Peace Campaign.
I am getting scared to watch everyday acute rising of American patriotism on American news TV and newspaper.
People are rushing to stores to buy Stars and Stripes and guns.
The president is making the states "ready for rush", and most American citizens are supporting thisc That news may even be a propagandized.
Something is strange. Missiles to Afghanistan will make the matters worse but never make it better. I am encouraged to know that many people share the same feeling that came inside me.
We can be in time if we all take actions. I will discuss this with my friends so that I will not regret.
0124 _______________________________________
May Peace Prevail on Earth
0125 _______________________________________
I knew your activity in a mailing list related to NPO.
I will make support remittance in a couple of days.
To tell you the truth, I was wondering in my bed last night if I can publish some articles in Afghanistan, Pakistan newspapers.
In tandem with pressures to America, can we show "moral support" to nations with good sense in Afghanistan and Pakistan. I do not think I grasp the situation well, but perhaps there may be some people who cannot speak up their will for peace among citizens in both nations.
At such time, I was very glad to meet this article in the ML.
I am grateful for having a chance to participate in this activity.
By the way my profession is translation and correction of English. Judging from your site, you are good at English, so my help may not be necessary. But I and my colleagues approve of your activity. Please tell us if in any case we can be of any help.
0126 _______________________________________
I am very glad about the peace message to American newspaper.
We support that.
We will tell the message to those who are around us. I am pleased to be able to participate in this way.
0127 _______________________________________
Though small amount (3000 yen), I made remittance today.
I firmly believe that terrorists have to be sanctioned for this event. However there will be no solution by "retaliating" what they call "retaliation". I was feeling weary of recent American attitude. It was such moment that I got a mail informing this project.
Indeed, I am disgusted with Bush's actions and speeches that remind me of Middle Ages.
But I felt a little saved to find such voices as this project in America.
This time, I cannot help speaking up.
I told this to my friends right away.
I wish full-page advertisement will come true. |