We received messages from everybody!!
Thank you very much!!
We deleted individual names. But if you have any problem, please let us know. (Kobe Genkimura)
0301 _______________________________________
Ever since this incident occurred, I have been feeling angry and sad.
Having learned of this web site from last night's news, I immediately sent
my money to the bank today.
It is really a small amount; however, this is the best thing I can do at
this moment.
Now I am very disturbed by so many opinions posted on your message board,
BBS and more.
However, no matter what people say, I am certain that I want to live
peacefully and happily.
It seems that the opinions of anti-retaliation groups are not being heard.
But I think these groups are not in the minority, and there are many people
who share doubts about the potential retaliation.
If we can gather our thoughts, I believe that we can find alternate
solutions so that these problems can be resolved peacefully.
(Is it possible to put the Mr. Greg Nees's letter in Japanese newspapers as
well? Or have you already written about it somewhere else in detail?)
And if the donor list will be announced officially, instead of posting my
full name, please just post my initials with the amount of money.
Thank you for your consideration.
0302 _______________________________________
Although the amount of money may not be enough to make such a big
difference, I have donated money for the project of a "full-page
advertisement in American newspapers".
I hope it can help people to realize that we can always solve problems
without using violence.
0303 _______________________________________
I can't forgive the terrorism. Such a cruel incident must never be permitted
to happen again c
For this reason, it is very important for us to consider and understand each
other from the other's viewpoint.
Retaliation, war, terrorism, etc., always hurt people and leave sadness,
hatred, and anger, resulting in wounds that never heal.
What had people thought of each time after a tragedy occurred?
Didn't they desire peace...?
I wish our hearts would come together without boundaries like a blue sky...
Although the road to peace is quite long and dark, I believe the light of
hope is always close.
As dawn comes after the darkness, we will certainly find the light in the
Don't overlook everybody's voice and thoughts ...
I wish peace for everyone...
0304 _______________________________________
I am adamantly opposed to U.S. retaliation!!
I am a housewife living in Chiba, and I saw the article titled "Place a
full-page advertisement of peace!" today.
After having seen Mainichi Newspapers and the news, I want to stop the
Although it is a small amount, I will send a donation to prevent innocent
people from suffering unnecessary harm.
0305 _______________________________________
It seems Japan will also cooperate with the retaliation (war).
That means our taxes will be used for that.
I am against retaliation.
However, must I cooperate with this idea regardless of my feelings?
I wish for world peace, free from violence and conflict.
0306 _______________________________________
I live in Hiroshima.
I agree with the purpose of the "Anti-War Advertisement Campaign", and I am
donating 5,000 yen.
We should not go to war for any reason, and we should not support or assist
War cannot become "justice".
The United States is going to make the same mistake as the perpetrators of
the terrorist attack o on New York, in the name of "retaliation".
Additionally, by supporting this, Japan is going down the "same path " as
Now our world is in a most dangerous and hysterical situation.
If we have a human soul, we must insist and support the "anti-war" opinion.
I express my regret for the victims and their bereaved family.
However, should we do the same thing to Arab and other people to mourn the
I would say absolutely NO.
People living in the target area still lead a miserable life.
Do we want to increase their misery knowing that many of them are children?
We should be against the "war" taking all possible steps.
0307 _______________________________________
After the incident in the U.S. arose, at midnight on September 16th I
received a message as follows. I couldn't stop crying while I was listening
to the words.
I wish ga Mother's' prayer" inspired from women all over the world would
be sent to all policy-makers, terrorists, and soldiers,.
The same messages are found in the song of "Mother in the world" arranged by
"Kokubunji experience" (name of the female band).
You can listen to this music from this URL:.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Mother Earth's prayer
please tell him about it
that is your elder brother
please let him know about it
that is your younger brother
I don't want to cry anymore
throwing myself on your remains
Umihiko and Yamahiko, Cain and Abel
Please stop the sad story
Repeating for such a long time
it is your elder brother
who put you on the cross
oh oh oh, oh oh oh
please let him know about it
that is your younger brother
please tell him about it
that is your elder brother
it is certain
I gave birth to you both
so please tell him about that
now is really the time to tell
oh oh oh, oh oh oh
I don't want to cry anymore
Holding my cold and injured son
I don't want such a sorrow anymore
so please, please my son
don't break my heart anymore. |