If you read or hear of a story that you think would be of interest to the Global Peace Campaign or JUMP, please send us a copy of it or at least let us know about it.
We need your help to keep us up to date with what is going on in the world!
"Mankind must put an end to war, or war will put an end to mankind... War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today."
John F. Kennedy
February 10th, 2007 - An explosion of disbelief - fresh doubts over 9/11
The UK newspaper, The Daily Mail has just published a detailed review of Loose Change. Check it out here!
October 3rd, 2006 - 911 Truth Conference In Japan
William Rodriguez, the last person out of the World Trade Center as it collapsed on Sept. 11, 2001 will be joining us on Saturday! He will of course be giving a powerful testimony of his version of what really happened on that day!!
Join us on October 7th for this first ever 911 Truth International Conference in Tokyo Japan.
What really happened on Sept. 11th, 2001?
Were the Twin Towers and Building 7 of the World Trade Center brought down by controlled demolitions?
Was the Pentagon really hit by a 757?
Was Flight 93 shot down by a military jet?
If you want to know what really happened on that never to be forgotten day, then join us and other like minded souls seeking truth and a peaceful world on Oct. 7th. In Tokyo.
August 7th, 2006 - 9.11 Terror Concoction sells out in 3 days
With the first printing of 20,000 copies of Benjamin Fulfords new book selling out just three days after its initial release, it was back to the presses for Terror Concoction! The full title of the book, which is in Japanese only, is '9.11 Terror Concoction - How fascist America fooled the world by faking the 911 terror attacks.' It is available from our web store here. Read more about it on Yumi's Blog by clicking here.
July, 2006 - The Third Annual Tokyo Peace Film Festival
The Tokyo Peace Film Festival will be held this coming weekend... don't miss it! Below you can find all the details.
Date: Saturday, July 22, 2006
Time: 10:00 AM - 9 PM (see schedule of films below)
Place: National Institution for Youth Education
(National Olympic Youth Center)
Arts Building Large Hall (J`[z[j
3-1. Yoyogi Kamizono-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 151-0052
TEL. +81-3-3467-7201
Map to venue: http://nyc.niye.go.jp/e/02informations/cont05.html
Entrance fee: 1500 yen for those aged 25 and younger, 2500 yen for those aged 26 and over
Fee includes membership to the "Tokyo Peace Film Club" , which includes discounts for upcoming films, announcements for future events, etc. Fee covers all films, and may be paid at the door. Because seats are filling up fast, it is best to make a reservations via the festival website (www.peacefilm.net, Japanese only) or e-mail: info@peacefilm.net (English OK).
Film schedule:
10:05 AM (104 min.): Little Birds
Directed by Watai Takeharu
After the U.S. armed forces entered Iraq in April 2003, Watai Takeharu remained in Iraq to continue shooting portraits of Iraqi citizens in the war-ravaged country. In Baghdad, Samawa, Falluja, and at Abu Ghraib, Watai listened to the voices of the Iraqi people, and succeeded in catching glimpses of the truth about the Iraq War that mainstream media have failed to capture. From the footage of over 123 hours which resulted from his one-and-a-half-year-long research in Iraq, a film has now been competed. (in English and Japanese)
12:04 PM (88 min.): Life and Debt
Directed by Stephanie Black
Utilizing excerpts from the award-winning non-fiction text "A Small Place" by Jamaica Kincaid, Life & Debt is a woven tapestry of sequences focusing on the stories of individual Jamaicans whose strategies for survival and parameters of day-to-day existence are determined by the U.S. and other foreign economic agendas. By combining traditional documentary telling with a stylized narrative framework, the complexity of international lending, structural adjustment policies and free trade will be understood in the context of the day-to-day realities of the people whose lives they impact. (in English and Japanese)
1:45 - 2:55: Lunch with the Directors!
Have lunch with directors Stephanie Black, Kamanaka Hitomi, John Junkerman, and Tanaka Yu. Seats available on a first-come, first-served basis only...reserve by e-mail at lunch@peacefilm.net or by FAX at 03-3393-2207 (English OK). Fee: 1500 yen.
3:00 PM (16 min.): Genie In A Bottle: Unleashed
Directed by Steven Sotor
What did the genie have to say about the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki? This film was screened at the United Nations and all around the world. It also was shown at the Los Angeles International Childrens Film Festival in December 2005. Steven and his 12 year old friend directed and produced this film. Check out this review here. (in English and Japanese)
3:33 PM (121 min.): Rokkashomura Rhapsody
Directed by Kamanaka Hitomi
Documentary about the nuclear fuel reprocessing plant in Rokkasho-mura, Aomori-ken. Kamanaka also directed the acclaimed documentary film "Hibakusha". (in Japanese; no English subtitles)
5:50 PM (92 min.): How to Make Peace ("a̍")
by Kikuchi Yumi, Imamura Kazuhiro, Tanaka Yu
Film made by the Tokyo Peace Film Club, which takes an in-depth look at issues of war and peace and Japan's role therein. Original film that is not to be missed! (In Japanese only; no English subtitles.)
7:37 PM (80 min.): Japan's Peace Constitution (http://www.cine.co.jp/kenpo/english.html)
Directed by John Junkerman
In 2005, sixty years after the end of World War II, the conservative Japanese government is pressing ahead with plans to revise the nation's constitution and jettison its famous no! -war clause, Article 9. This timely, hard-hitting documentary places the ongoing debate over the constitution in an international context: What will revision mean to Japan's neighbors, Korea and China? How has the US-Japan military alliance warped the constitution and Japan's role in the world? How is the unprecedented involvement of Japan's Self-Defense Force in the occupation of Iraq perceived in the Middle East? (in English and Japanese)
Festival sponsors include:
Department of Peace Project, Global Peace Campaign, Be Good Cafe, Japan Jiritsu Project
For more information, contact the Peace Film Club:
URL: http://www.peacefilm.net
E-mail: info@peacefilm.net (English okay)
Tel: 090-4459-3020
FAX: 0479-62-1327
June 09, 2006 - Lecture by Jimmy WalterLecture by Jimmy Walter of the Reopen 9.11 Campaign
Thursday, June 15th 7-9 PM (doors open at 6:30)
National Institute for Youth Education (National Olympic Memorial Youth Center) Central Building Room #101
Entrance fee: 1000 yen (advance reservations not required)
Venue Address: 3-1. Yoyogi Kamizono-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, 151-0052 Phone: 03-3467-7201
Map: http://nyc.niye.go.jp/e/02informations/cont05.html
Jimmy Walter, a businessman from the U.S., is the founder of a campaign titled "Reopen 9.11." This campaign is working to challenge the official explanation for the events of September 11, 2001, which hold that al-Qaida operatives were responsible for perpetrating multiple terrorist attacks in the United States. (Campaign website: www.reopen911.org)
For example, the U.S. government states that the World Trade Center building collapsed when its steel was weakened from the heat of the flames that broke out after it was struck by airliners--a claim that Brigham Young University physics professor Steven Jones explains is physically impossible. See his detailed explanation here.
Currently Mr. Walter is on a European tour to expose the truth behind the events of 911 and is coming to speak in Japan for the first time. We were hoping Mr. Walter would be joined by William Rodriguez, who was the last person to escape from inside the towers, however, Mr. Rodriguez will not be able to attend.
Come and hear for yourself a completely different perspective from what is being presently accepted by mainstream media--a view that is gaining a growing number of followers around the world.
The lecture will be in English, with Japanese interpretation provided by Gen Morita and Yumi Kikuchi.
Sponsor: Global Peace Campaign (http://english.globalpeace.jp)
Organizer: Yumi Kikuchi, Founder, GPC (http://yumikikuchi.blogspot.com)
Supporting Organizations: Japan Jiritsu Project, Tokyo Peace Film Festival
Make sure you join us!
For more information, contact Yumi Kikuchi: E-mail: Tel: 0470-97-1011 FAX: 0470-97-1215
June 09, 2006 - Signs of the Times
Left to right: MUJCA supporter Craig Robinson, MUJCA coordinator Kevin Barrett, and rabble-rouser Alex Jones take 9/11 truth out of the internet and into the streets.
Signs of the times:
1) 9/11 truth takes Chicago: http://mujca.com/chicagostory.htm
2) New York Times covers 9/11 truth movement (an extremely positive development, despite the silly article); MUJCA Coordinator responds:
"The bemused, borderline-patronizing tone of your article, given the ongoing implosion of the Times credibility as our nation's newspaper of record, conjures up the image of someone saying 'what a cute, amusing little kitty' as he approaches a man-eating tiger. It is time for the Times to ride the tiger and restore its credibility, by launching the biggest investigative effort in journalistic history and exposing the truth of 9/11."
3) MUJCA Coordinator Kevin Barrett says: Stick 9/11 truth stickers on Every NY Times Vending Machine in the Nation!
and target your local paper too if they're part of the 9/11 truth blackout.
(Note: MUJCA-NET does not endorse vandalism...but Kevin damn well does!!)
May 13, 2006 - Alex Jones Interviews Tokyo Journal Prof. Mancuso
Professor John Mancuso, who was featured in the Tokyo Journal 911 article, previously mentioned here, was interviewed by Alex Jones on his live radio show in the US yesterday. The interview lasted for over an hour and, of course, covered many areas including Yumi and her work for Global Peace. To listen to the interview you must be a subscriber to Prison Planet TV. If you have a membership, the interview can be heard here.
May 12, 2006 - Come Out Of The White House With Your Hands Up!
An enthusiastic standing-room-only crowd packed the Wisconsin Historical Society auditorium on Saturday May 6th to hear ex-Bush Administration insider Morgan Reynolds prosecute top administration and military officials for the 9/11 inside job.
Reynolds indicted Richard Cheney, George W. Bush, former Joint Chiefs Chairman Richard Meyers, confessed WTC demolisher and insurance-fraudster Larry Silverstein, and others for mass murder, conspiracy, and other charges including high treason. The enthusiastic response from the overflow crowd was a de facto vote for conviction on all counts. Read the full story here!
May 07, 2006 - 9/11 and the Neo-Con Agenda Conference
Alex Jones is heading a big conference is Los Angeles on June 24th & 25th. Check out the official website here.
April 30, 2006 - NY Judge lets 16 Grannies Go In Peace
Eighteen "grannies" who were swept up by the New York City police, handcuffed, loaded into police vans and jailed for four and a half hours were acquitted yesterday of charges that they blocked the entrance to the military recruitment center in Times Square when they tried to enlist.
After six days of a nonjury trial, the grandmothers and dozens of their supporters filled a courtroom in Manhattan Criminal Court to hear whether they would be found guilty of two counts of disorderly conduct for refusing to move, which could have put them in jail for 15 days. The women call their group the Granny Peace Brigade and said they wanted to join the armed forces and thus offer their lives for those of younger soldiers in Iraq. Read the full New York TImes story here. To read the story you may need to register. (Registration is free.)
To read about Grannies working for peace check out these links:
April 30, 2006 - New York Streets Filled For Peace! |
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April 28, 2006 - Yahoo News Covers eLoose Changef
Finally Yahoo has put a story about the 911 movie Loose Change on its news page. The story is titled eConspiracy film rewrites Sept. 11f. Read it here. If you have not yet seen Loose Change, it is time you did!
April 24, 2006 - Neil Young sings eLetfs Impeach The Presidentf
With his new record, Living With War, almost out the door, 60fs musician Neil Young makes it very clear that it is time for some big changes or there may not be a free world to rock on to for much longer.
Check out this interview on CNN ShowBiz Tonight and read a little more here!
[Update] Living With War is now available on the internet. Click on the graphic below to listen to/stream the full album! Read a New York Times review here.
April 24, 2006 - CIA Official States Bush, Cheney, Rice Told Iraq Had No WMD in Fall 2002
Tonight on 60 Minutes, Tyler Drumheller, the former chief of the CIAfs Europe division, revealed that in the fall of 2002, President Bush, Vice President Cheney, then-National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice and others were told by CIA Director George Tenet that Iraqfs foreign minister, who agreed to act as a spy for the United States, had reported that Iraq had no active weapons of mass destruction program. Read the story and watch the 60 Minutes clip here.
April 24, 2006 - Thermite identified as Culprite of the WTC Collapse
Evidence is mounting that thermite was used to implode both the towers. Prison Planet goes in depth on this subject, citing the studies of Professor Steven Jones (mentioned in an earlier post). Check out the story and the online videos here.
April 24, 2006 - 911 Chicago Conference - Letfs Reclaim Our Future
In Chicago there will be an intensive weekend which will include workshops, presentations, strategy sessions and abundant opportunities for the growing 911 truth movement to come together.
Among the many guest attending will be: human rights attorney William Pepper, BYU Physics professor Steven E. Jones, author Webster Tarpley, Peter Phillips of Project Censored, Canadian activist Ian Woods of Global Outlook magazine, researcher Jim Hoffman, scientist Kevin Ryan, Dr. Faiz Khan, author Jim Marrs, Canadian media critic Barrie Zwicker, Scholars for 9/11 Truth founder Jim Fetzer, strategist David Kubiak who is executive director of 911truth.org, Ken Jenkins, Rick Siegel of 911 Eyewitness, Ralph Schoenman, California 9/11 truth congressional candidate Carol Brouillet and Charles Key and Chris Emery of the Oklahoma City Bombing Investigation Committee. Media coverage is planned by INN World Report, KPFA Berkeley, KPFK of Los Angeles, TVNewsLies.org and many others.
Many more important luminaries, authors, researchers, organizers and media activists can be expected, including 9/11 survivor and rescue hero William Rodriquez.
All those who want to bring about a peaceful future are urged to attend. Read more here!
April 21, 2006 - Former German Minister says 911 an Inside Job!
Former Helmut Schmidt cabinet member, 25-year German Parliamentarian and global intelligence expert Andreas Von Bulow says that the 9/11 attack was run by the highest levels of the US intelligence apparatus using WTC Building 7 as a command bunker which was later demolished in order to destroy the crime scene.
Read the story here. Listen to the actual interview here. You should also read his speech titled, eOur Priority Should be the Fight Against Manipulatione that he gave on Jan. 15th, at an Axis For Peace conference in Brussels, Belgium.
April 15, 2006 - A Defiant Sheen Challenges 911 Fable on National TV
Charlie Sheen once more appeared on US national TV, this time on the Jimmy Kimmel Live show. Check out part of the interview here. After the showed aired he was attacked by the media but he hit back again against their response by asking why they failed to address the two core issues he mentioned... Read more here.
April, 2006 - Physicist says heat substance felled WTC
Brigham Young University physicist Steven Jones said he now believes an incendiary substance called thermite, bolstered by sulfur, was used to generate exceptionally hot fires at the World Trade Center on 9/11, causing the structural steel to fail and the buildings to collapse. Read the full story here.
April 14, 2006 - Bravo Charlie 911 website online
A new website in support of Charlie Sheen and his stand on 911 is now up and running! Check it out here!
April 14, 2006 - JUMP KICK OFF CONCERT
JUMP (Japan United for a Ministry of Peace or aȃvWFNg in Japanese) will have a "JUMP Kick Off Concert" on April 29, 2006 in Tokyo, at Educus Tokyo (Ichigaya JR Station, in front of the old Nihon TV office) from 6:30pm.
Musicians will include The New Frontiers -1 (minus one member), ZAKI, Kazumi and others.
MC: Yumi Kikuchi.
Tickets: 2000 yen reserved - 2500 yen at the door.
Click here or on the picture to download the two page concert flyer.
You can send an e-mail to me to reserve tickets. Check the Links & Contact page for my email address.
JUMP is a citizen's volunteer group aiming to establish a Ministry of Peace in Japan. Representatives of JUMP will attend the 2nd People's Initiative for a Department of Peace to be held in Victoria, Canada in June (18-22) and this event is fundraiser for the conference to help 3rd world delegates attend the conference.
You can find out more about the 2nd Peoplefs Initiative for a Department of Peace on this page.
April, 2006 - Alex Jones discusses 9/11 on the Alan Colmes show
Once again, Alex Jones talks frankly on 9/11, this time with Alan Colmes. When asked who organized 9/11 he directly implicates Dick Cheney. Check out part of the interview here.
April, 2006 - System Breakdown. Another Mainstream media Cover Story for 9/11 Truth
The Portsmouth, New Hampshire weekly The Wire devotes its current cover story to the 9/11 truth movement. Larry Clow did his homework for this excellent, thoughtful write-up, landing interviews with 911Truth.org's David Kubiak as well as Michael Ruppert, David Ray Griffin and Steven Jones. This is as good an introduction as any to the main subjects and issues of 9/11 skepticism - and a further indicator that the tide has turned. All across the country, people are waking up to at least the possibility of deception, and the room for official equivocations is growing narrow... Read the article here.
April, 2006 - Americafs Blinders
Howard Zinn, the well known historian and political scientist, an important figure in the Civil Rights and anti-war movements in the United States, has written an excellent article that discusses why the American people have been so easily fooled into going to war, not only this most recent war in Iraq, but in past wars too. Read the full article here.
April 4th, 2006 - Former Star Wars Program Head Says Cheney Main 9/11 Suspect
On the Alex Jones show today, the former head of the Star Wars missile defense program under Presidents Ford and Carter has gone public to say that the official version of 9/11 is a conspiracy theory and his main suspect for the architect of the attack is Vice President Dick Cheney. Read there story here or listen to the interview here.
April 3rd, 2006 - Bush Administration Media Collusion Memos Surface
In a disturbing turn of events for an administration already plagued by sagging poll numbers and waning support for the Iraq war, Friday's revelation that the Bush Administration issued direct guidelines for programming to media outlets is troubling even die-hard conservatives. Read the story on Fox News here.
April, 2006 - Alex Jones talks 911 conpiracy to youth on MTV
At the height of the Charlie Sheen 9/11 story last week Alex Jones was interviewed on MTV. He did not waste any time in getting right to the point! You can view the interview here.
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Hugo Chavez
William Rodriguez
They will soon meet with Venezuelan President himself Hugo Chavez in anticipation of an official Venezuelan government investigation into 9/11.
Rodriguez was the last survivor pulled from the rubble of the north tower of the WTC, and was responsible for all stairwells within the tower.
Rodriguez represented family members of 9/11 victims and testified to the 9/11 Commission that bombs were in the north tower but his statements were completely omitted from the official record.Jimmy Walter has been at the forefront of a world tour to raise awareness about 9/11 and has still yet to receive any response to his million dollar challenge in which he offers a $1 million reward for proof that the trade towers' steel structure was broken apart without explosives.
Rodriguez said that he was told an FBI agent had asked the hotel him and Walter were staying in turn over a list of names of residents. Upon hearing this, the National Assembly provided armed military protection for the entirety of the trip. In addition, Walters said that CIA agents were seen surveilling the beach on which he and Rodriguez had handed out free DVD's a day earlier.
The US government attempted to sabotage the trip by putting Rodriguez, who has been decorated at the White House itself, and Walter on a no fly list. Read the whole story here!
March 31st, 2006 - Tokyo Journal publishes Conspiracy 9-11 article on the Web
Tokyo Journal had kindy published the full version of their 9-11 Conspiracy article on the web for all the world to see!
Considering that this edition of the magazine is currently still for sale at bookstores, we didnft think we would get a positive response when we asked them if the story could be made available on the web. However, our request to have the article put on the web was quickly granted!
Tokyo Journal was very happy to comply as the nature of the story has global significance!
The complete online article is available here. All URLs and websites mentioned in the article are hyperlinked for your convenience.
If you live in Japan, please show your support for Tokyo Journal by purchasing a copy from your local bookstore! Showing the magazine to your friends is a great way to introduce the 9-11 coverup to your friends.
Thank you so much to all involved at Tokyo Journal.
March 31th, 2006 - Actor & Director Ed Asner Shares 9/11 Concerns |
Speaking to The Alex Jones Show Asner, best known for his Emmy-winning role as Lou Grant on The Mary Tyler Moore Show, echoed Charlie Sheen's sentiments in stating, "I became suspicious of 9/11 on the day it happened." Check out the story here. |
March 30th, 2006 - Dr. David Ray Griffin at Grand Lake Theater, Oakland, California |
March 27th, 2006 - CNN Interview with Ed Asner cancelled at last minute
Publisher Sander Hicks this afternoon indicated that the interview with Ed Asner scheduled for this evening on CNN Showbiz Tonight has been cancelled. Read the full story here.
March 27th, 2006 - Sharon Stone defends Charlie Sheenes First Ammendment Rights |
O Have a look at a clip of the interview here. |
March, 2006 - New York Magazine Covers 9/11 Truth Movement |
![]() Check out more excerpts here. |
March, 26, 2006 - Fox TV Hannity & Colmes airs 911 Interview about Charlie |
This time with Hannity and Colmes on Fox TV. Have a look at it here! |
March, 2006 - Final Poll results are in!
The results are in on the poll asking readers if they agree with Charlie Sheen that the US government covered up the real events of the Sept. 11th attacks.
At the close of the poll 83% of CNN ShowBiz tonightfs viewers agreed!
This might be good time to ask your friends what they think? Do a little survey for yourself. Once their answers are in, get them to take a look at the CNN and Alex Jones interviews, and then check back with them and see what they have to say... The conversation could get pretty interesting! (The picture below was taken before the close of the poll, so the numbers do not match the final result.)
March 24, 2006 - Alex Jones interview by CNN ShowBiz Tonight!!!
The public response to what Charlie Sheen had to say about September 11th was so great that Alex Jones (of Prison Planet) interviewed him two days in a row! After the second interview aired, CNN contacted Alex Jones to talk with him directly. What a talk it was! Alex did not mince words!
Watch the CNN interview here or here. (10 Min - 27.9 MB) Read a transcript of the interview here.
To see the March 23 CNN short video with Charlie click here.
To listen to the second interview between Alex Jones and Charlie Sheen, March 23, 2006, click here (23 Min - 2.6MB) (To download - Windows users should right click - Mac users Option Click) .
For more on this topic check out the March 25th entry of my Blog.
Charlie and Alex are both making waves! Let us hope the waves turn into a Tsunami (yes, with a capital T) and wipe out all the war mongering that has been forced upon us!
March 22, 2006 - Actor Charlie Sheen discussing 9/11 on CNNCNN's Showbiz Tonight last night gave ten minutes of excellent coverage to serious unanswered questions about 9/11. (Charlie Sheen, from the primetime CBS sitcom, Two and a Half Men, was interviewed on CNN.) This crucial story gradually rose to the the top of the list under "More News" by 2:00 PM today on CNN's homepage, where it stayed until about 4:00 PM when it was removed. This CNN video clip available there was 3:37 in length. Both this shorter clip and a longer 10 minute version of the show are still available at the links below.
The CNN coverage was sparked by a radio interview between Alex Jones and Hollywood star Charlie Sheen on March 22nd, 2006. To listen to this interview between Alex Jones and Charlie Sheen that started everything off, click here. (39 min - 9MB) (To download - Windows users should right click - Mac users Option Click)
For an even more revealing 40-minute compilation of major media video footage filled with witness testimony and astounding shots which raise serious questions, see the third link below. This news may be quite shocking to those who have yet to seriously investigate 9/11, yet it is vitally important that we open to the possibility that the 9/11 Commission did not complete its mission. For an excellent two-page summary of these many vital questions with links direct to major media sources for easy verification, please visit http://www.WantToKnow.info/9-11cover-up. Thanks for caring. By spreading the word to our friends and colleagues, I have no doubt that we can and will build a brighter future together.
With best wishes,
Fred Burks for the WantToKnow.info Team
Former language interpreter for Presidents Bush and Clinton
Here are the links:
CNN three-minute clip with actor Charlie Sheen on 9/11 (with commercials)
CNN ten-minute clip from ShowBiz Tonight with Sheen and several 9/11 experts (no commercials). This clip is also available here.
An excellent 40-minute compilation of 9/11 footage from major media raising serious questions can be seen here.
Currently you can vote in the following CNN survey : Do you agree with Charlie Sheen that the U.S. government covered up the real events of the 9/11 attacks? on this page! Please vote and let your voice be heard!March 2006 - Why Indeed Did The WTC Buildings Collapse - now available in Japanese!
Our Japanese readers can now find a draft in Japanese of the detailed analysis made by Professor David Ray Griffin concerning the collapse of the three buildings at the World Trade Center. In the paper, Professor Griffin calls for a serious investigation of the hypothesis that WTC 7 and the Twin Towers were brought down, not just by impact damage and fires, but through the use of pre-positioned cutter-charges. The original article in English can be read here.
There are three separate stories:
1/ Staring at the Sun - The unanswered questions of 9-11
2/ Conspiracy Yes, Theory No - How 9-11 has impacted on the US and Japanese society
3/ Quiet Riot - A one-woman crusade for truth
All three stories are well done and cover many important points. Please get yourself a copy from any of the major bookstores in Japan and share it with your friends!
Tokyo Journal has been published for more than 24 years in Japan. It was one of the first English publications produced specifically for English speakers living in Japan.
Check back soon as we hope to have some excerpts online.
The TJ website address is http://www.tokyo.to
Feb 1, 2006 - The Miami Hearald asks some hard questions!
Yes, there is change happening in the media! Let the truth be heard. Have a look at this story!
Jan, 2006 - Explosive Testimony: Revelations about the Twin Towers in the 9/11 Oral Histories
Revelations about the Twin Towers in the 9/11 Oral Histories
by David Ray Griffin, professor emeritus of philosophy of religion and theology at the Claremont School of Theology and Claremont Graduate University.
There was just an explosion [in the south tower]. It seemed like on television [when] they blow up these buildings. It seemed like it was going all the way around like a belt, all these explosions. -- Firefighter Richard Banaciski
I saw a flash flash flash [at] the lower level of the building. You know like when they demolish a building? -- Assistant Fire Commissioner Stephen Gregory
[I]t was [like a] professional demolition where they set the charges on certain floors and then you hear 'Pop, pop, pop, pop, pop'." -- Paramedic Daniel Rivera
The above quotations come from a collection of 9/11 oral histories that, although recorded by the Fire Department of New York (FDNY) at the end of 2001, were publicly released only on August 12, 2005. Prior to that date, very few Americans knew the content of these accounts or even the fact that they existed. To read more, click here.
It is reported that the network has received more response from the airing of 911 In Plane Siteh than in recent history.
Network executives are scrambling to meet the demands of callers that jammed the phone lines and requested a re-airing of the documentary. According to a network programming spokesperson, the overwhelming majority of calls were positive and viewers thanked the network for airing the program.
E-mails poured into the producers of 911 In Plane Site on Wednesday expressing support and thanks for the production as well as sadness, fear and anger as a result of the cover-up of the information contained in the video.
Despite efforts to suppress the information and questions raised in 911 In Plane Site, an increasing number of military experts and commercial airline pilots are coming forward to support and validate the information contained in the documentary. Many are now calling for a re-opening of the investigation into the September 11th attacks.
Dave vonKleist, producer and co-host of 'The Power Hour' radio program (www.thepowerhour.com) stated: The American people and the people of the world deserve the truth. Every country has been dramatically affected by 9/11 and the evidence indicates that we all have been lied to by government and media officials. Justice must be served and the real terrorists must be exposed and prosecuted.'
The Power Hour
Joyce Riley & Dave vonKleist
Contact: Dave vonKleist (USA) 573-378-6049
Jan 4, 2006 - Six Page article on 911 in Japanese Weekly Post |
Forbes Asia, a well respected business media outlet.
I am very happy as finally the film has been discussed by a major magazine in Japan, Shukan (Weekly) Post. I believe the Weekly Post circulation is around 600,000. The article touches on all the main points in the film. |
Yumi flew to England to this historic First People's Summit. It was a great success with members attending from eleven countries. Check out http://ministryforpeace.org/index.php for more info.