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New GIF Feb10th, 2007
An Explosion of Disbelief - Fresh Doubts Over 9/11

Oct 3rd, 2006
911 Truth Conference In Japan

Aug 07, 2006
Terror Concoction sells out in three days!

June 09, 2006
3rd Annual Tokyo Peace Film Festival

June 09, 2006
Lecture by Jimmy Walter

June 09, 2006
Signs of the Times

June 08, 2006 - Flash Magazine Covers 911 Questions

June 01, 2006
Ordinary People Confront 9/11 Whitewashers

May 13, 2006
Alex Jones Interviews Tokyo Journal Prof. Mancuso

May 12, 2006
Come Out Of The White House With Your Hands Up!

May 07, 2006
9/11 and the Neo-Con Agenda Conference

April 30, 2006
NY Judge lets 16 Grannies Go In Peace

April 30, 2006
New York Streets Filled For Peace!

April 28, 2006
Yahoo News Covers ‘Loose Change’

April 24, 2006
Neil Young sings ‘Let’s Impeach The President’

April 24, 2006
CIA Official States Bush, Cheney, Rice Told Iraq Had No WMD in Fall 2002

April 24, 2006
Thermite identified as Culprite of the WTC Collapse

April 24, 2006
911 Chicago Conference - Let’s Reclaim Our Future

April 21, 2006
Former German Minister says 911 an Inside Job!

April 15, 2006
Defiant Sheen Challenges 911 Fable on National TV

April, 2006
Physicist says heat substance felled WTC

April 14, 2006
Bravo Charlie 911 website online!

April 14, 2006

April, 2006
Alex Jones discusses 9/11 on the Alan Colmes show

April, 2006
System Breakdown. Another Mainstream Media Cover Story for 9/11 Truth

April, 2006
America’s Binders, by Howard Zinn

April 4th, 2006
Former Star Wars Program Head Says Cheney Main 9/11 Suspect

April 3rd, 2006
Bush Administration Media Collusion Memos Surface

April, 2006
Alex Jones talks 911 conpiracy to youth on MTV

March, 2006
Venezuelan Government To Launch International 9/11 Investigation

March 31st, 2006
Tokyo Journal publishes Conspiracy 9-11 article on the Web

March 31th, 2006
Actor & Director Ed Asner Shares 9/11 Concerns

March 30th, 2006
Dr. David Ray Griffin at Grand Lake Theater, Oakland, California

March 27th, 2006
CNN Interview with Ed Asner cancelled at last minute

March 27th, 2006
Sharon Stone defends Charlie Sheen‘s First Ammendment Rights

March, 2006
New York Magazine Covers 9/11 Truth Movement

March, 26, 2006
Fox TV Hannity & Colmes airs 911 Interview about Charlie

March, 2006
Final Poll results are in!

March 24, 2006
Alex Jones interview by CNN ShowBiz Tonight!!!

March 22, 2006
Actor Charlie Sheen discussing 9/11 on CNN

March 2006
Why Indeed Did The WTC Buildings Collapse - now available in Japanese!

March 2006
Tokyo Journal Publishes 6 Page story on the 911 Conspiracy

Click here for earlier stories!
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Yumi Image JPG
Yumi Kikuchi
Cofounder of The Global Peace Campaign

But peace does not rest in the charters and covenants alone. It lies in the hearts and minds of all people. So let us not rest all our hopes on parchment and on paper, let us strive to build peace, a desire for peace, a willingness to work for peace in the hearts and minds of all of our people. I believe that we can. I believe the problems of human destiny are not beyond the reach of human beings.

John F. Kennedy (1917-1963)

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Sat, Apr 14, 2007 at 6:31 PM

911 In Plane Site JPG
Addicted To War JPG
What I have Learned JPG
Beyond Treason JPG
Dept. Of Peace JPG
Ministry For Peace JPG
Democracy Now JPG
Truthout JPG
Disclosure Project JPG
Dennis Kucinich JPG
Physics 911 JPG
Loose Change JPG
ReOpen 911 GIF
Cost of the War in Iraq
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Welcome to the
Global Peace Campaign!

ZERO: An Investigation into 9/11

ZEROThe Italian produced film ZERO: An Investigation into 9/11 (English with Japanese subtitles) is screening now in Japan.

This is the first 911 film to be shown at a mainstream theater in Japan and we are so happy that this has finally become reality. It took us a full six years of hard work to get to this point.

The official English homepage for the Japanese site can be seen here:

The official Japanese website is here:

The Global Peace Campaign was launched right after September 11, 2001 by four founding members, Yumi Kikuchi, Norie Huddle, Tom Atlee and Paul Swann.

Our objective was to find an alternative to waging war as a way to stop terrorism. We decided to place peace ads in major newspapers as a way to get people to re-think about the need to go to war. These advertisments were published around the world. To learn more about how the Global Peace Campaign (GPC) began have a look at our About GPC page.

We also created an English Yahoo Group to exchange information to promote peace and prevent war. The GPC Group continues to this day and you can join it after introducing yourself to the group.

To subscribe please send a blank email to:

To visit the GPC Group on the web, go to:

Currently a very active Japanese group of supporters of the Global Peace Campaign continues in Japan.

In the near future the GPC will launch a new campaign to create a Ministry of Peace in Japan. JUMP (Japan United for a Ministry of Peace) is the new campaign name.

We hope you will help us in our work that continues with the Global Peace Campaign! We would be very happy if you would attend our talks and lectures which will be held in various parts of Japan. To know more local events in Japan take a look at Yumi's Schedule page.

If you have the desire to help or volunteer for this very important cause, do not hesitate to contact us. We are always in need of a helping hand. Check out the Get Involved page to learn how you can help the Global Peace Campaign!

If you would like to support us financially in our efforts to foster peace for all of humanity, you can make a donation to the Harmonics Life Center from any Post Office in Japan using a Yubin Furikae form (Postal Money Transfer Form).

Our account number is: 00110-1-144224
Our organization name is: Harmonics Life Center.

By buying our books and DVDs and sharing them to friends you too can help foster global peace! Check our GPC Store to see the list of books and publications that we carry.

Let us have Global Peace!

Yumi Kikuchi