Global Peace Campaign

about the campaign

see the planned ad (Greg Nees)

let us fight no more (Osho Yamada)

Yumi Kikuchi and how the Global Peace Campaign began


Sponsorship from ynot


donation report


  The "Global Peace Campaign eCard" total number of deliveries of Ynot Inc. was 12,160 copies!

Sponsorship from ynot (Y-not)!

Global Peace Campaign is excited to announce, Japan's on-line greeting card giant Ynot Inc.'s (Tokyo, Japan) generous sponsorship! It is our first case of support from a business entity.

Access, click on "Global Peace Campaign eCard" and send an electronic greeting card to a friend or a family member. (Requires free registration) For every card sent, ynot will donate 1 Japanese yen(approx. US 1 cent) toward the Global Peace Ad Campaign. Ynot currently has 4 lovable animation e-cards waiting just for you. This service is absolutely free.

This service ended in huge success as of October 2, 2001. Thank you for all your support!
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"Global Peace Campaign" Open Japan Project