The "Global Peace Campaign eCard" total number of deliveries of Ynot Inc. was 12,160 copies!
Sponsorship from ynot (Y-not)!
Global Peace Campaign is excited to announce, Japan's on-line greeting card giant Ynot Inc.'s (Tokyo, Japan) generous sponsorship! It is our first case of support from a business entity.
Access www.ynot.co.jp, click on "Global Peace Campaign eCard" and send an electronic greeting card to a friend or a family member. (Requires free registration) For every card sent, ynot will donate 1 Japanese yen(approx. US 1 cent) toward the Global Peace Ad Campaign. Ynot currently has 4 lovable animation e-cards waiting just for you. This service is absolutely free.
This service ended in huge success as of October 2, 2001. Thank you for
all your support! |