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It's a bit embarrassing to have been concerned with the human problem all one's life and find at the end that one has no more to offer by way of advice than "try to be a little better."

Aldous Huxley

Sat, Jun 17, 2006 at 7:10 PM

GPC Store

New online web store coming soon!!

We are in the process of building a new online store. Once it is up and running it will be easy for you to purchase books and DVD’s as well as make donations or even buy GPC memberships. Check back soon!

Global Peace Campaign is primarily a Japanese site, but we do carry several products in English.

English Books & DVD’s

BOOK - ‘Addicted to War‘ by Joel Andreas. Hard-hitting, carefully documented with 161 reference notes, Addicted to War reveals why the U.S. has been involved in more wars in recent years than any other country..

DVD - ‘911 In Plane Site’ by Power Hour Productions. This is the original version, not the Director’s Cut. Contrary to the pictures shown to the American public, after the fact, why does photographic evidence taken only a few moments after the Pentagon event show no wreckage on the lawn of the Pentagon? Where is the plane? Where is the tail, the wings, the luggage, the seats, the landing gear; the engines? What happened to the passengers? Very detailed, very disturbing!

DVD - ‘What I Have Learned about US Foreign Policy‘ A two hour video compilation by Frank Dorrel.This film is a powerful indictment of the U.S. as an overreaching imperialist power, ready and able to impose its will on virtually any country in the world that seeks control over its own economy or politics.

Japanese Books & DVD’s

We carry the following products for Japanese readers or speakers. Consider purchasing them for Japanese friends or aquaintances. All products can be ordered directly from the Global Peace Campaign. Some products can also be purchased through Amazon Japan.

Products produced by Harmonics Life Productions:
01 - DVD - Who is the Terrorist? (Japanese version of the English DVD ‘What I’ve Learned About US Foreign Policy‘ by Frank Dorrel.) A two hour video compilation by Frank Dorrel.This film is a powerful indictment of the U.S. as an overreaching imperialist power, ready and able to impose its will on virtually any country in the world that seeks control over its own economy or politics. DVD or VHS Video. 3,500 Yen including shipping.
テロリストは誰?』フランクドリルが編集した10本のアメリカ外交政策の本質を描くドキュメンタリー集。アメリカが攻撃していたのはアメリカに攻撃する力を全く持たない第三世界の人々だった。第9章、10章ではアメリカの良心が健在であり、希望が持てる構成になっている。 DVDまたはビデオ 送料込み各3500円

02 - BOOK - Who is the Terrorist? Guidebook. This guidebook contains a complete Japanese text of the movie, for study and for referral. 900 Yen plus 200 Yen for shipping.
『テロリストは誰?ガイドブック』ドキュメンタリー映画『テロリストは誰?』のガイドブック。各章ごとにシナリオを完全収録した他、理解を深める解説がよくできている。字幕が読みにくい作品だが、この1冊があれば完璧。 送料込み900円

03 - BASIC SET 01 - Items 01 and 02 purchased as a set, 4,000 Yen, including shipping.

04 - SUPPORTER DVD SET 01 - Purchase 10 copies of Who is the Terrorist and get the reduced GPC supporter price of 10,000 Yen, including shipping.

05 - SUPPORTER BOOK SET 01 - Purchase 10 copies of Who is the Terrorist Guidebook and get the reduced GPC supporter price of 7,000 Yen, including shipping.
『テロリストは誰?ガイドブック』10冊パック 送料込み7000円

06 - DVD - 911 In Plane Site by Power Hour Productions. (Japanese version, not the Director’s Cut version) Contrary to the pictures shown to the American public, after the fact, why does photographic evidence taken only a few moments after the Pentagon event show no wreckage on the lawn of the Pentagon? Where is the plane? Where is the tail, the wings, the luggage, the seats, the landing gear; the engines? What happened to the passengers? Very detailed, very disturbing! DVD or VHS Video. 2,500 Yen, including shipping.
911 ボーイングを捜せ ? 航空機は証言する』2001年9月11日のアメリカのテレビ報道を使って、911事件を検証した作品。映像と政府公式発表がこうも食い違うのはどうしてなのだろうか。この事件をもとに二つの戦争をしかけた米国政府。本当の911事件の犯人は誰か? DVDまたはビデオ 送料込み各2500円

07 - BOOK - 911 In Plane Site Guidebook. This guidebook contains a complete English & Japanese text of the movie, for study and for referral. 900 Yen plus 200 Yen for shipping.

08 - BASIC SET 02 - Items 06 and 07 purchased as a set, 4,000 Yen, including shipping.
6と7のセット(DVDまたはビデオ) 送料込み3000円

09 - SUPPORTER DVD SET 02 - Purchase 10 copies of the 911 In Plane Site DVD and get the reduced GPC supporter price of 9,000 Yen, including shipping.
『911』サポーター(DVDまたはビデオと本10冊) 9000円

10 - SUPPORTER BOOK SET 02 - Purchase 10 copies of the 911 In Plane Site Guidebook and get the reduced GPC supporter price of 7,000 Yen, including shipping.
(* The prices quoted for the 911 In Plane Site DVD and Video are the suggested donation prices)
『911ガイドブック』10冊パック 送料込み7000円

Products not produced by Harmonics Life Productions:
11 - Book - Dennis Kucinich, The Peace President - This book was written by Yumi Kikuchi after she met with Dennis in the US in 2003. In the book you can read Dennis' moving speeches and statements followed by Yumi's comments. She also talks about possibility of the establishment of a Ministry of Peace in Japan. There is no English translation available. 1,500 Yen plus 200 Yen for shipping. Also available from
デニス・クシニッチ ? アメリカに平和の大統領を』2004年の大統領選挙に「大量破壊兵器の廃絶」を公約に立候補した民主党下院議員のデニスクシニッチの感動的スピーチと政策集ときくちゆみのコメント。巻末に日本での平和省の可能性についても触れている。1500円(送料別)

12 - BOOK SET 03 - Dennis Kucinich, The Peace President - Purchase 8 copies of the Dennis Kucinich, The Peace President Book and get the reduced price of 18,000 Yen, including shipping.
デニス・クシニッチ ? アメリカに平和の大統領を』出版スポンサー 1万円で8冊

13 - BOOK - Butterfly by Norie Huddle. A simple yet inspiring story of the metamorphosis of a caterpillar or worm into a butterfly that is used as a powerful metaphor for societal transformation. 1,200 Yen plus 200 Yen for shipping. Also available on
バタフライ -もし地球が蝶になったら』芋虫がさなぎから蝶々に変化する過程を、人類の変容に例えた感動の物語。今私たちはどこにいて、どこに向かっているのか。一度でも自分がなぜ生まれてきたのか、と問うたことのある人へのプレゼント。 1200円(送料別)

14 - BOOK SET 04 - Butterfly, by Norie Huddle. Purchase 10 copies of Butterfly and get the reduced publication sponsor price of 10,000 Yen, including shipping.
バタフライ -もし地球が蝶になったら』出版スポンサー 1万円で10冊

15 - BOOK - Addicted to War, by Joel Andreas. (Japanese version of the English book ‘Addicted to War‘.) Hard-hitting, carefully documented with 161 reference notes, Addicted to War reveals why the U.S. has been involved in more wars in recent years than any other country... 1300 Yen plus 200 Yen for shipping. Also available from
戦争中毒 ? アメリカが軍国主義を脱け出せない本当の理由』アメリカはどうしていつも戦争をしたがるのだろうか?と一度でも不思議に思った人は、この本で目からウロコが落ちるはず。グローバルピースキャンペーンが翻訳プロデュースした最初の作品。日米でベストセラーに。 1300円(送料込み)

16 - BOOK SET 05 - Addicted to War - Japanese version, by Joel Andreas. Purchase 10 copies of Addicted to War and get the reduced publication sponsor price of 10,000 Yen, including shipping.
『戦争中毒 ? アメリカが軍国主義を脱け出せない本当の理由』出版サポーター 1万円で10冊

17 - BOOK - Living with the Earth, by Yumi Kikuchi. Published by Hachigatsu Shokan. The journey of a bond trader to an environmentalist. Yumi's awakening and the turning point in her late 20s. Very inspiring book! 1700 Yen plus 200 Yen for shipping.

18 - BOOK - Harmonics Life : Recommendations For Natural Living, by Gen Morita and Yumi Kikuchi. This book covers Yumi and Gen's self-sufficient lifestyle and their natural healing method, which is very simple but powerful. A must read for all who search for sustainability on our wonderful earth. 1500 Yen plus 200 Yen for shipping.
『ハーモニクスライフ 自然派生活のすすめ』森田玄ときくちゆみの自給的な暮らしと自然療法をこの1冊で学べる。超簡単なヘルシーレシピ付き。持続可能な地球を模索する全ての人の必読書1500円(送料別)

19 - BOOK - Enjoyable, Beneficial, Ethical and fun Living, by Yuko Makino (a beautician). Ms. Makino runs beauty parlor in Kyoto where she only uses natural products for hair and skin care. You can live chemical free and make youself more beautiful and healthy by following her methods. A revolutionary booklet. 350 Yen plus 200 Yen for shipping.

20 - PICTURE BOOK - Children of The Gulf War. A photo book by Takashi Morizumi that conveys the real, yet hidden. human and environmental prices being paid by the people of Iraq. 500 Yen plus 200 Yen for shipping.
Children of the Gulf War(森住卓写真集)1991年の湾岸戦争のあと、イラクの子どもたちに何がおこったのか。多発する白血病、小児がん、先天性異常の原因は?劣化ウランの危険性を訴える衝撃の写真集。 500円(送料別)

21 - BOOK - How To Make War by the Ribbon Project. A picture book about Japan's dangerous policies and laws that are making war possible again. You can change things by knowing exactly what is happening here in Japan. 600 Yen plus 200 Yen for shipping.
『戦争のつくりかた』戦争がどのようにつくられているか、を最近可決した法律や可決しつつある法律を元に描いたノンフィクション絵本。現実を正確に把握すれば、それを変える方法も見えてくる。 600円(送料別)

22 - BOOK - Legs by Brian Wilson. Brian Wilson's amazing life story, from being a super patriot to becoming a global citizen. He wanted to stop arms trading to save the lives of people in Central and South America. He pledged to walk with the poor (the majority) of the world after he lost his legs when he lay down in front of a train carring weapons about to be shipped overseas from the U.S. 1,600 Yen plus 200 Yen for shipping.
『レッグス』ブライアンウィルソン著 超愛国者だったブライアンが地球人として生まれ変わるまでの驚異の実話。列車をとめて武器輸送を阻止することで中南米の人々を救おうとしたブライアン。彼が自分の足を失い、世界の大多数の貧しい人々と共に歩くことを誓う。1600円(送料別)

23 - BOOK - How to Stop War and the Destruction of the Environment - A Way to Create a New Society by Yu Tanaka. The title says everything! Reading this book will give you hope and you will learn what you can do to change the world. 1400 Yen plus 200 Yen for shipping.

24 - BOOK - 30 Ways to Create a World Without War, by 17 peace makers. Yu Tanaka, Ichiro Kobayashi and Akira Kawasaki are the editors of this book that tells us 30 different ways to create a world without war. 1,300 Yen plus 200 Yen for shipping.

25 - BOOK - I Am 13 Years Old and My Job is a Soldier, by Masaya Onimaru & Shogo Ogawa. True stories of child soldiers in many parts of the world. A heavy but an inspiring book as it shows how we can change the this terrible situation. 1,300 Yen plus 200 Yen for shipping.

26 - BOOK - Atopic Eczema is a Message From Nature, by Katsuto Akamine. The author practices natural "Circulation" farming in Ohita prefecture where many atopic eczema patients miraculously cured themselves by changing to the diet taught by the author. Mr. Akamine says that illness is a message from the nature. 1,500 Yen plus 200 Yen for shipping.

27 - BOOK - Experience Of My Initiation by Malidoma Some, translation by Chieko Yamazaki. Malidoma was taken away from his community in West Africa by French missionaries when he was just four years old. This is the story of his journey home, of finding his way back into his own community through initiation, after being raised in a western culture with a western education. A story of life and death. 2,000 Yen plus 200 Yen for shipping.

*Shipping cost is 200 yen per book. Shipping is free for orders of 3000 yen or more. DVDS and videos have shipping included.